
Our Stomach | Facts About Stomach

Our Stomach | Facts About Stomach
Stomach is one of the main and complicated part of our body because with health Stomach we can get advantages of every diet Stomach is a muscular organ located on the left side of the upper abdomen.The stomach receives food from the esophagus. As food reaches the end of the esophagus,it enters the stomach through a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter.Stomach contents,including acid, can travel backward up the esophagus.There may be no symptoms,or reflux may cause heartburn or coughing.One of the most common stomach problems is upset stomach or dyspepsia.“Dyspepsia is a term used to describe one or more symptoms, including a feeling of fullness during a meal, uncomfortable fullness after a meal.Some people use the word stomach to refer to the area of the body between the chest and the pelvic area.The medical term for this area is the abdomen.For instance,some people with pain in this area would say they have a “stomachache,” when in fact the pain could be coming from the appendix, small intestine, colon (large intestine), or other organs in the area.Doctors would call this symptom abdominal pain, because the stomach is only one of many organs in the abdomen.The first 3 parts of the stomach cardia, fundus, and body are sometimes called the proximal stomach.Some cells in these parts of the stomach make acid and pepsin,the parts of the gastric juice that help digest food.They also make a protein called intrinsic factor,which the body needs to absorb vitamin B12.The stomach is J-shaped and it can expand to temporarily store food.Partial digestion of the food takes place here.The churning action of the stomach muscles physically breaks down the food.The stomach releases acids and enzymes for the chemical breakdown of food.The enzyme pepsin is responsible for protein breakdown.The stomach releases food into the small intestine in a controlled and regulated manner.The stomach is a rounded, hollow organ located just inferior to the diaphragm in the left part of the abdominal cavity. Located between the esophagus and the duodenum,the stomach is a roughly crescent-shaped enlargement of the gastrointestinal tract.The inner layer of the stomach is full of wrinkles known as rugae.Rugae both allow the stomach to stretch in order to accommodate large meals and help to grip and move food during digestion.Microscopic analysis of the stomach’s structure reveals that it is made of several distinct layers of tissue: the mucosa,submucosa,muscularis and serosa layers.


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