Stomach is one of the main and complicated part of our body because with health Stomach we can get advantages of every diet Stomach is a muscular organ located on the left side of the upper abdomen.The stomach receives food from the esophagus. As food reaches the end of the esophagus,it enters the stomach through a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter.Stomach contents,including acid, can travel backward up the esophagus.There may be no symptoms,or reflux may cause heartburn or coughing.One of the most common stomach problems is upset stomach or dyspepsia.“Dyspepsia is a term used to describe one or more symptoms, including a feeling of fullness during a meal, uncomfortable fullness after a meal.Some people use the word stomach to refer to the area of the body between the chest and the pelvic area.The medical term for this area is the abdomen.For instance,some people with pain in this area would say they have a “stomachache,” when in fact the pain could be coming from the appendix, small intestine, colon (large intestine), or other organs in the area.Doctors would call this symptom abdominal pain, because the stomach is only one of many organs in the abdomen.The first 3 parts of the stomach cardia, fundus, and body are sometimes called the proximal stomach.Some cells in these parts of the stomach make acid and pepsin,the parts of the gastric juice that help digest food.They also make a protein called intrinsic factor,which the body needs to absorb vitamin B12.The stomach is J-shaped and it can expand to temporarily store food.Partial digestion of the food takes place here.The churning action of the stomach muscles physically breaks down the food.The stomach releases acids and enzymes for the chemical breakdown of food.The enzyme pepsin is responsible for protein breakdown.The stomach releases food into the small intestine in a controlled and regulated manner.The stomach is a rounded, hollow organ located just inferior to the diaphragm in the left part of the abdominal cavity. Located between the esophagus and the duodenum,the stomach is a roughly crescent-shaped enlargement of the gastrointestinal tract.The inner layer of the stomach is full of wrinkles known as rugae.Rugae both allow the stomach to stretch in order to accommodate large meals and help to grip and move food during digestion.Microscopic analysis of the stomach’s structure reveals that it is made of several distinct layers of tissue: the mucosa,submucosa,muscularis and serosa layers.
Garlic is Unique | All About Garlic
Garlic is very popular in cooking.It has strong smell and beautiful taste.Modern research says Garlic is very important for health and many part of body.Garlic is grown in many parts of the World.Garlic is fairly easy to grow but generally does best in a cooler climate with a warm and dry summer. The main growing period is from planting in early autumn till harvest in early summer. In it’s original habitat it starts to grow in late winter and early spring with the snow melt and then creates a bulb and dies back to survive the harsh dry summers.The incredible journey of garlic through our history touched every major civilization of the ancient world, but its true origins lie in West and Central Asia. There, wild plant called Allium longicuspis evolved for millennia, eventually shaping itself into the form of the modern Allium sativum, or garlic. This plant was identified by the ancient Indians who managed to domesticate it around 6 thousand years ago, incorporating its taste and medicinal properties (especially belief in its aphrodisiac powers) in their famous culture. Around 3000 BC, trading parties from India reached Middle East, where they introduced garlic to the mighty Babylonian and Assyrian empires, who embraced this plant and spread it across neighboring civilizations. The most notable records from those ancient times come from Egypt, where garlic was used regularly by both nobles,common people and slaves as food seasoning, medicinal ingredient, religious ingredient,antiseptic for curing wounds and preventing gangrene, and even as a direct source of strength.There are many benefits and importance of garlic.Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family.Lets go to take a look on the importance and benefits of Garlic for our body as well various parts of bod.Garlic is very helpful to reduce high blood pressure.Garlic has known beneficial effects on common causes of chronic disease.Garlic is very excellent for health growth.Garlic can also be used to treat fungal infections.Garlic oil protects against side effects of diabetes.Reduces risk of cancer.Garlic could end your hair loss problems.You can use garlic oil on the affected area for smooth, rash-free skin.Garlic could help you control your weight.Garlic cloves contain a healthy dose of allicin, but you may still need a few cloves per day to feel the effects.Garlic can increase your exercise capacity.A single bulb of garlic a day, keep diseases away.It's important to remember that the effect of garlic on cold and flu comes from Allicin and this can be obtained from crushed, raw garlic and is destroyed by over cooking.Garlic is a wonderful seasoning to add aroma, taste, and added nutrition to your dishes. We often recommend using raw chopped or pressed garlic in many of our dishes to take advantage of the benefits derived from garlic. However, if you cannot tolerate raw garlic, you can add chopped garlic to foods while they are cooking. It is best to add it towards the end of the cooking process to retain the maximum amount of flavor and nutrition.In addition to all of the sulfur-related compounds listed above, garlic is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6, a very good source of vitamin C, and a good source of selenium.
Healthy Skin Tips | Skin Care

Skin Care
Moreover,some people ask how to take care of skin acne,we should follow some little but more effective things to get amazing skin.We all have our own skin concerns which we want to concentrate on be it your eyes, lips, spots, blemishes, or even wrinkles.Our skin is exposed to the sun and to the environment, which can cause dryness, irritation and even premature aging. But help is at hand; your skincare routine can help combat this. The Protect step is all about how to help boost the barrier of your skin, your skin’s natural function to protect itself from sun exposure, moisture loss and irritants Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne.Don't pop pimples.Avoid touching your face with your fingers.If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes.Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.Protect your skin from the sun.
Salad For Us | Lose Your Weight
Most of people as well me really like fresh salad so much, and salad make us healthiest and life long.Vegetables in salads are good sources of insoluble fiber, which keeps your digestive tract healthy.We should Starting our meals with a bowl of salad will help you attain weight loss.People, who do not like to eat fruits, can relish on salads which combines fruits and vegetables and eat it as a whole meal or in between snacks.This will provide them a host of powerful antioxidants which will protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals.Pack your salads with as many other veggies or fruits as possible to get the synergetic effects. Carrots, cucumbers, different colored peppers, broccoli, peas, artichokes, strawberries, raspberries, or pears are great choices to get in different textures as well as plenty of filling fiber. Not a joke, it’s true because salads are low in calories, high in fiber and rich in other nutrients. Fiber helps you feel full making you eat, the remaining meal less and ultimately lose weight. salad that provides important nutrients like folic acid and lutein. Give up the iceberg for mesclun greens, baby spinach, or a spring mix that includes a variety of dark green lettuces. For less than 20 calories per two cups you can have a tasty, nutrient-rich base.Choose a variety of colors to get the most health benefits red bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, and red onions are all great choices.A salad does not have to be just lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers.There are thousands of ingredient combinations possible for making a salad. You could have a different salad every day for years! Not only are the ingredients in the salad numberless, but there are also many salad dressing combinations that can spice up a salad.Fresh fruit and vegetables are delicious, so mixing them in an array of different combinations to create a salad ensures exciting meals. Salads are delicious and knowing that they are also good for us, adds to the delicious factor.There is no end to the number of recipes for salads and dressings. The only limiting factor is your imagination. Start with fresh greens like arugula, spinach and Romaine, then add a variety of colorful vegetables.Toss together a salad of spinach, romaine and red leaf lettuce: They all contain loads of the carotenoids vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin’key to seeing better. Vitamin A helps eyes adapt from bright light to darkness. Lutein and zeaxanthin can help filter out high-energy light that may cause eye damage from free radicals.
Lose Your Weight
Start your meals with a big bowl of salads.Veggies are high on fiber, vitamins, minerals and low on calories which give you early satiety. This is not make you binge of other unhealthy stuff.If you need to lose weight then all-salad diet can work very well.You only want to do this for 3 weeks maximum it is difficult but works.The problem with going over three weeks in a row is that your metabolism will slow down and then this diet becomes less effective.Here is the diet in a nutshell.Multiply the body weight you are aiming for by 8-10.If you wanted to get down to 120 pounds you would get 960- 1200.This is the amount of calories you are allowed to eat each day.By this process you will see the effect of salad on your body or weight.Divide the total daily calories by three. You will want to eat three 300-400 calorie salads each day for three weeks.After three weeks is up you are done.Please don’t go longer than 3 weeks. Also, make sure you get at least 20-30 grams of protein in each salad. This is as simple as it gets for rapid weight loss.
Lose Your Weight
Start your meals with a big bowl of salads.Veggies are high on fiber, vitamins, minerals and low on calories which give you early satiety. This is not make you binge of other unhealthy stuff.If you need to lose weight then all-salad diet can work very well.You only want to do this for 3 weeks maximum it is difficult but works.The problem with going over three weeks in a row is that your metabolism will slow down and then this diet becomes less effective.Here is the diet in a nutshell.Multiply the body weight you are aiming for by 8-10.If you wanted to get down to 120 pounds you would get 960- 1200.This is the amount of calories you are allowed to eat each day.By this process you will see the effect of salad on your body or weight.Divide the total daily calories by three. You will want to eat three 300-400 calorie salads each day for three weeks.After three weeks is up you are done.Please don’t go longer than 3 weeks. Also, make sure you get at least 20-30 grams of protein in each salad. This is as simple as it gets for rapid weight loss.
Facts about heart | Heart Attack Treatment

Heart Attack Treatment
Treatments and lifestyle changes can improve your heart health and reduce your risk of a heart attack. A healthy diet and lifestyle are essential in maintaining a healthy heart. Surgical options can also treat heart disease. Coronary angioplasty is performed over one million times each year on patients in the United States.In this procedure, a balloon is threaded into the affected blood vessel and inflated, pushing the plaque blocking the artery to the sides of the vessel. Sometimes, this procedure is accompanied by placement of a stent a mesh tube designed to hold the blood vessel open.If your heart stopped beating during or after your heart attack (cardiac arrest), your doctor may use a treatment called therapeutic hypothermia. This involves infusion of a liquid into your blood vessels that cools your body to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit for up to 24 hours. Cooling your body will help protect against brain damage that can occur when the brain is deprived of blood during cardiac arrest.NSTEMI heart attacks are different from STEMI heart attacks in several ways, not just how they appear on the ECG. With NSTEMI, the heart attack damage usually doesn’t extend through the full depth of the heart muscle. Equally important, NSTEMI heart attacks are caused by different types of blood clots than STEMI heart attacks, with differing amounts of clotting proteins and platelet blood cells.At home a patient of heart should avoid few important thing like Stop smoking and/or using tobacco products,follow a heart-healthy diet,Exercise safely, guided by specially trained physical therapists, nurses, and doctors,Manage stress and anxiety.My knees improvement | Diet Plain | Exercise for knee Pain
Knee is one of the main part of our body.Also knee is huge and complicated part of our body.When we walk,knees helps us in walking on right way.We can run,jump and walk with healthy knees.If we want knee improvement we should follow few interesting and important instruction.So,how to keep knees healthy and strong.In first food for healthy knee joints,many things really matter to avoid knee pain the main thing is you just stay at healthy wait.Try to avoid stairs if you have weigh (150 pounds) there are many thing to avoid knee pain.Keep yourself warm up,don't decrease your activities,swim or walk etc.These thing are very famous and people always ask how to strengthen knees after injury,how to strengthen knee muscles,how to strengthen knee caps,how to strengthen knees for running,every expert have many ways to fulfil these conditions.Knee pain is a common complaint thing.Whenever we suffer any kind of knee pain we should maintain a proper diet plan which can help us in minerals and vitamins.Latest studies says that two vitamins like Vitamin D and Vitamin C can reduce our knee pain with osteoporosis.
Exercise for knee Pain
As diet is important for knee same as it exercise is also very important for knees improvement.In first we should warm up and then follow some tips Straight Leg Raises,Hamstring Curls,Prone Straight Leg Raises, Wall Squats,Calf Raises,Step-Ups,Side Leg Raises Leg and leg presses.
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Diet Plan For Knee Pain relief
Diet really matter to reduce knee joint problem by fair diet plan we can get relief to any knee joint type.We should drink orange juice because it give us benefits.Garlic is important for knee we should eat Fatty fish,spinach and Onions these things are common but will proved very effective in the growth of knees.Knee ligament pain is one of the most painful injury.The majority of knee ligament injuries are sprains and not tears and they tend to settle down quickly.But by Fruits and Vegetables we can get successful recovery and helped you in knee joint movement. You should look out for supplements that quickly brings relief to joint pain, helps reduce inflammation, builds salutary cartilage and increases range of motion and flexibility.Nutrient could also reduce our knees pain i am going to tell you about some main Nutrient,Vitamin C,Manganese.Vitamin B6,Vitamin B12,Magnesium and Zinc.We can get these these nutrient by Food Sources.
Exercise for knee Pain
As diet is important for knee same as it exercise is also very important for knees improvement.In first we should warm up and then follow some tips Straight Leg Raises,Hamstring Curls,Prone Straight Leg Raises, Wall Squats,Calf Raises,Step-Ups,Side Leg Raises Leg and leg presses.
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Exercise For Men And Women | Benefits of Exercise | Six-Pack
As diet is important for us same as it exercise is also most important for us as well for life.There are many Health Benefits of Exercise because with exercise we will live fit as well there are many physical benefits of exercise.We can also do exercise at home.Exercises for fit body at home you should Squat down and push yourself up by jumping.Explode up into a jump as you stretch yourself.This is one a good exercise for routine.By these way we can get a slim body at home.Those people who can not afford gym ask how to make body fit without gym remember gym is not only way to fit your body.Everyone can get a fit body by jumping jacks, lunges, high knees, push-ups, triceps dips and sit-ups.We should do each exercise for 60 to 90 seconds to keep our body fit.By following tips we can keep body fit and slim.Daily exercise can give us long live.Home exercises to lose weight is good for us to keeping our body into shape at home.These are best exercise to get in shape fast.
Exercise for men is important to keep body fit.Every men want to get a good body to built his personality ahead.Before every exercise warm up for minutes.After warm up we could do a better and many exercise which is good for us.As we see various types of exercises for fitness we can not follow all tips of exercise but by few main exercises we will keep our body fit.Lets go to take a look on some exercises to get Six-Pack in few weeks.A good exercise routine can give good body shape.To get Six-Pack follow these tips.
Barbell rollout

Barbell floor wiper
Sandbag sit-up

Exercises for women
Daily exercise is also very important for women they can get many advantages to keep their body in shape.At home workouts for women without equipment we are going to discuss few main exercises for women to get good health.In first they should also warm up their body.After that they should follow the few tips they could feel the changes in their body after doing this.

Incline Push up

Standing Chop
Diet play an important role to keep our body fit.We will discuss few diet plan we should eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight,daily.Drink at least a gallon of water per day as well eat Egg Whites,Oatmeal ,Green Veggies.Just keep the rest of your meals pretty strict, without added sugars and fats.Start your meals with a big bowl of salads. Veggies are high on fiber, vitamins, minerals and low on calories which give you early satiety. This is not make you binge of other unhealthy stuff.Fit body diet is must for us remember few thing which we mostly ignore we should eat pure food,drink fresh water and have breakfast,launch and dinner on time and go to sleep early and also get up early in the morning for daily exercise.This is also full body workout for weight loss
Benefit of Physical exercise
It can control our weight.It can reduce our risk of some cancers.It can Strengthen our bones and muscles.It can Improve our mental health and mood.It can also increase our healthy life.
Psychological benefits of exercise:It can Improve our mood.It can reduced our stress as well as an improved ability to cope with stress.It can Improve our self-esteem.It can Pride us in physical accomplishments.It can Increase our satisfaction with oneself.It can Improve our body image.It can Increase our feelings of energy.It can also Improve us in confidence in our physical abilities.
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